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Registration for Buckston Birthday is now open. Please download the registration form at your convenience. Note: If you are bringing minors that are not your own (nieces, nephews, grandkids), please download the Minor’s Medical Authorization Form to complete in advance and bring with you. Thanks! |
Good gentles of the Kingdom of Atlantia, Barony of Windmasters Hill, the Canton of Buckston-on-Eno does invite all to the 2017 Buckston Birthday Bash, held the 18th day of November 2017.
This year, we take our birthday as a time to celebrate our barony, its history, and its people. Come join us for games, dancing, competition, food and fun as we celebrate being together in this world we choose to create!
When | Saturday, 18 November 2017. 10am – 10pm |
Where |
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, 320 E Davis St, Burlington, NC 27215. |
Fees |
$15 non member adult Feast: all seats $10. |
Parking |
Parking is on the street, or in one of the following lots: |